TTS tip of the Day: Deal cards to other players

  • February 17, 2021 2:46 PM

Tabletop Simulator is a powerful and sometimes frustrating platform. With that power comes some complexity and a lot of features that may not be obvious. This series highlights some features in TTS that you may or may not be familiar with.

When you need to give a card to another player in a physical board game, it's easy: just hand that card to the player. In TTS it's almost as easy. Right-click on the card and choose Deal > player color to automatically place the card into that player's hand zone. It's a great way to send a card from your hand zone to another hand zone without other players seeing the card.

If you need to send a card from a deck to all players, right-click on the deck and choose Deal > black color. Every time you click the middle black color 1 card is sent to every hand zone. If you have fewer players than the number of zones, which would happen if you're not playing at the full player count, delete the unused hand zones before using the deal all option.