Unpub 2025

  • March 24, 2025 7:58 PM

Several of our members will be at Unpub this weekend! Here's who's attending and where you can find them:

Widget's Workshop now live on Backerkit

  • March 17, 2025 2:01 PM

Widget's Workshop, designed by group member Alex Cutler and published by Phase Shift Games, is now live on Backerkit!

Widget’s Workshop is a “drop-style,” spatial set collection, card crafting board game. You start the game by dropping 80 part cards onto the table, creating a giant, messy pile of parts in the center. Players take turns pulling parts from the pile, using one finger only, attempting to find the best parts for their robots and golems under construction in their workshop bays. Once a bay contains each of the 5 required pieces, the parts are combined to reveal a unique construct and its name.

You win the game by completing the most optimized set of constructs in your workshop!

The crowdfunding project runs until April 3rd. Check it out at https://www.backerkit.com/c/projects/phase-shift-games/widgets-workshop-drop-style-game

March Releases: Raising Chicago and Smug Owls expansions

  • March 12, 2025 1:41 PM

Raising Chicago, designed by group member Matt Wolfe, is now available for preorder from Capstone Games. The game is expected to release in April for preorders and in June for retailers. Preorder here: https://capstone-games.com/board-games/raising-chicago/

Three expansions for Smug Owls, designed by group members Grace Kendall and Mike Belsole, are now available directly from Runaway Parade Games. The expansions are:

A Place for All My Books live on Kickstarter

  • February 3, 2025 12:55 AM

A Place for All My Books, designed by group members Alex Cutler and Mike Mihealsick, is now live on Kickstarter!

A Place for All My Books is a puzzley book gathering, sorting, and organizing game in which players arrange stacks of books in different rooms of their apartment as personal projects. When done, they can admire their accomplishments and gain their rewards – not least of which is renewed energy, which they can then spend to head out into the village...to pick up more books!

The crowdfunding campaign features a deluxe edition that will not be available in retail later. The campaign runs until February 13th. Check it out! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/smirkanddagger/a-place-for-all-my-books

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Playtest With Us!


6PM every other Tuesday at Well Played


1st Thursday at 6PM at Parker Banner Kent and Wayne
3rd Tuesday at 6PM at Town Brewing Co


1st Thursday at 6PM and 3rd Saturday at 2PM at Atomic Empire in Durham
2nd and 4th Thursdays at 6PM at The Gamer's Armory in Cary